I love this time of the year. The weather is warmer and the days are getting longer. Summer is definitely on its way. Yay... :)

There's plenty to sow and grow this month. Here are my top picks (flavorite) to grow in my garden this year.
In the greenhouse / indoors
• Start off basil in pots for the greenhouse or patio - make sure keep them in warm conditions.
• Sow courgette, squash, and pumpkin seeds under cover now.
• Try sowing lettuce trays under glass for transplanting into the garden later. Sow every 3 or 4 weeks for continuous harvesting.
• Sow runner beans under cover, sowing individually into module trays for planting out after the risk of frost has passed.
• Start kale seeds under cover now - yes, it really is time to think ahead to winter cropping!
• Sow perennial herbs, such as rosemary, sage, thyme and lemon balm under cover.
Direct sow outdoors
• Sow beetroot seeds directly into the ground. • Sow broccoli directly in your vegetable. • Direct sow cabbages, Net them early on to prevent cabbage-white butterflies laying their eggs on the leaves.
• Direct sow carrots in rows and protect with fleece or mesh to prevent carrot-fly attack.
• Sow chicory directly into the soil now.
• Sow herbs such as chives, coriander, dill and parsley directly into the ground or in containers.
• Try growing hardy Lamb's Lettuce (corn salad) outdoors, for summer and winter salads.
• Sow peas directly into the ground, or start them off in modules if mice are a problem.
• Try direct sowing nutritious pak choi every 3 weeks for a continuous crop.
• Direct sow your parsnip seeds now. Sow 3 or 4 seeds every 20 cm and thin to the strongest plant.
• Sow radish seeds directly into the soil for quick and easy home-grown salad.
• Sow salad leaves directly into the ground or in containers.
• Sow spinach seeds in soil enriched with plenty of organic matter.
• Sow spring onion seeds in drills outdoors for a quick crop to flavour salads and stir fries.
• Try Swiss chard sown outdoors for a colourful crop - it even looks great in flower beds!